How is pelvic congestion syndrome treated?
Dr. Golshan offers procedures to shut off damaged veins so you experience reduced or eliminated symptoms. It’s a minimally invasive treatment that prevents the faulty veins from enlarging with blood.
During the procedure, Dr. Golshan uses X-ray imaging and contrast material to visualize the blood vessels. If the venogram demonstrates abnormal pelvic veins they are closed off with the insertion of a coil into the abnormal vein. This is a minimally invasive procedure done in the office that takes less then an hour with the patient going home shortly there after. There is no use of general anesthesia and the patient may resume regular activities the following day. We recommend no strenuous physical activity for a few days following the procedure.
Most patients are able to resume normal activities after one week.
To learn about your treatment options for pelvic congestion syndrome, call Beach Wellness MD or schedule a consultation using this website.